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What's On The Farm

At Mugamba Farm we grow a variety of crops
Farm Features

130 Acres of Coffee

Mugamba farm has over 130 Accres of coffee which is haversted only when Red. This gives you an oportunity to see red cherries that form an amazing sight and photogenic
views. The coffe uppon harvest is dried on African coffee tables in green houses customised to ensure slow but meticulous drying process for the speciality arabica and special aroma.

On visiting the farm, you are able to see coffee at different stages giving a great insight in coffee’s breathtaking growth andProdUction stages

Farm Features

70 Acres of Cocoa

COCOA growing that kick started in 2020 is already providing
beautiful views at the farm.

Over 70 Acres are already covered by the this bewildering crop.
Mugamba farm has plans of increasing the acreage to over 100 Acres.

Farm Features

45 Acres of Banana Plantation

Banana growing is widely practiced in Uganda. Mugamba farm has over 45 acres of bananas intercropped with coffee and other crops. These are breathtaking and provide shelter to coffee and breaks down the winds.

Farm Features

Bee Apiary

Mugamba Farm has two apiaries with over 100 beehives. The well tendered places for bees provide a breathtaking sceneries with millions of indigenous trees, spices, medicinal trees and flowers planted to provide nectar, shelter and also act as wind breakers for the bees . All these help the bees to get the necessary nutrients and keep them at the farm while pollinating the coffee and this also increases the honey production.

Farm Features

Other Crops

We portion each farmer a piece of land, provides seedlings of beans, cowpeas, onions, tomatoes, water melon, Irish potatoes and their crops to be planted and fertilisers to the farmers who plant and take care of them as they also attend to Mugamba coffee with in their apportioned pieces of land.