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A wealth of Years Of Experience In Farming & Tourism

About Mugamba Farm

Agriculture & Agro Tourism In Uganda

MUGAMBA FARM is a wonder, a statement of Eco-tourism, Nature conservation and a concotion of beauty laced views of magnificent depths.We have over 300 acres covered with bananas, Coffee, Cocoa, beans, Irish, Onions, Tomatoes, Bees from apiaries searching for nector, gardens of flowers, sweet melodies from over 50 bird species The farm is a home to many well-trained women, youth, former poachers and former forest encroachers who used to destroy forests through charcoal burning in the Semuliki Game reserve.
Acres of Coffee
10 +
Acres of Cocoa
0 +
Bee Hives
10 +
Banana Plantations
10 +
Farm Tours

Tourism Activities At The Farm

while on the farm you will be able to see over 300 acres covered with bananas, Coffee, Cocoa, beans, Irish, Onions, Tomatoes, Bee apiaries, water falls, & caves and gardens


At mugamba farm we strive for excellence and we often receive recognition from the industry and the government. Here's a list of the awards and certificates we've won recently.

Certificate of Recognition

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