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See below the services that we offer
What We Do

Training & Consultancy

At Mugamba Farm We provide comprehensive support and guidance to farmers, agricultural businesses, and individuals involved in the coffee and banana growing and bee keeping. Our programs include friendly and sustainable farming methods such as organic farming, agroforestry, permaculture, and integrated pest management. 

We also give opportunities to students to do their research work on our farm

What We Do


We provide an immersive and educational experience for individuals, families, and groups interested in exploring the coffee world.

while on the farm you will be able to see over 300 acres covered with bananas, Coffee, Cocoa, beans, Irish, Onions, Tomatoes, Bee apiaries, water falls, & caves and gardens

What We Do

Seedling Supplies

At Mugamba Farm We produce and provide a diversified range of high quality  seedlings of coffee, beans, cowpeas, onions, tomatoes, water melon, Irish potatoes & medicinal trees to farmers

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